About Vervarianque:RP ACCOUNT//wix on full//Might RE-DO Rps/Para/multi-para/Novela
Ooc: Wow been a while and everything is changed? o-o can we not size out picture anymore?
(Adventure/fantasy/medieval settings)
Just moved and 'got' net. Shoddy net. -.-
Lots of dnd, drawring and sleepin lately. Perhaps i'll start roleplaying again.
Wix is far from up to date, but just message me and we can discuss.
Literate Rper(Decent i would hope. I have mild dyslexia so i often miss mistakes i do make.) Hitting around 10 years now. Oof.
WHAT has happened here.
I am the duck. Feed me bread and watch me fall.
Keen for a Medieval Rp boiiiii!